term Type

This is the datatype for internal HOL terms. It has 4 classes, corresponding to the 4 primitive syntactic categories of term:


Variable - This denotes an occurrence of a variable. It has name and type attributes. Any two occurrences of variables within a given object refer the same entity iff they have the same name, type and scope.


Constant - This denotes an occurrence of a constant. It has name and type attributes, where the name must be a declared constant's name and the type must match the declared constant's generic type.


Function Application - This consists of a function subterm and an argument subterm, where the function's type must be a function type with domain type equal to the argument's type.


Lambda Astraction - This consists of a binding variable and a body subterm. It bounds the scope of the binding variable to the body, and this is the only primitive means of bounding variable scope.


Union cases

Union case Description

Tmabs(term, term)

Full Usage: Tmabs(term, term)

Item1 : term
Item2 : term

Tmcomb(term, term)

Full Usage: Tmcomb(term, term)

Item1 : term
Item2 : term

Tmconst(string, hol_type)

Full Usage: Tmconst(string, hol_type)

Item1 : string
Item2 : hol_type

Tmvar(string, hol_type)

Full Usage: Tmvar(string, hol_type)

Item1 : string
Item2 : hol_type