Printer Module

This module implements the type, term and theorem pretty printers, for outputting quotation representations of internal types/terms/theorems. The printers take into account identifier fixity status and enumeration bracket settings (see 'Names' module), certain special-case theory objects (whose declarations in later modules are anticipated here), and the display modes (see 'DModes' module). This module is a trusted component of the system, since the user will normally rely on it to determine what has been proved and what has been asserted.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

annotate_preterm pty_ ptm

Full Usage: annotate_preterm pty_ ptm

Returns: preterm

This gives a preterm for the supplied term, annotated with any types that are needed for printing. If 'fl' is set, then the type of the overall term is taken as given when decided type annotations. Note that the use of 'check_preterm_annotations' on the result removes the need to trust the relatively complicated type annotation routine.

pty_ : pretype option
ptm : preterm
Returns: preterm

is_compound_preterm ptm

Full Usage: is_compound_preterm ptm

Returns: bool
ptm : preterm
Returns: bool

ndest_binargs_preterm n ptm

Full Usage: ndest_binargs_preterm n ptm

Returns: preterm list
n : int
ptm : preterm
Returns: preterm list

need_prec_brkts fl0 (l0, n0) (l1, n1)

Full Usage: need_prec_brkts fl0 (l0, n0) (l1, n1)

    fl0 : bool
    l0 : 'a
    n0 : 'b
    l1 : 'a
    n1 : 'b

Returns: bool

This is for determining whether precedence brackets are needed for a subexpression. Returns "true" if brackets are needed when going from a construct at parse-level 'l0', precedence 'n0' and extra flag 'fl0' to a construct at parse-level 'l1', precedence 'n1'. If going to a higher parse-level or the same parse-level but higher precedence then no brackets are needed. Flag 'fl0' being set means that brackets are needed if the parse level and precedence are the same.

fl0 : bool
l0 : 'a
n0 : 'b
l1 : 'a
n1 : 'b
Returns: bool

need_separation ss0 s1

Full Usage: need_separation ss0 s1

    ss0 : int list
    s1 : int

Returns: bool

This is for determining whether separation (be it brackets or spacing) is required between juxtaposed tokens, given the boundary classes of their names. The following classification is used: alphanumerics 1 symbolics 2 quoted/other 0 Separation is never required with something of class 0 or with something of a different class. The 'ss0' arg is a list of boundary classes that could juxtapose - in some cases it's easier to consider the list of possibilities rather than work out which one it is, and over-use of separation is always safe.

ss0 : int list
s1 : int
Returns: bool

print_atom ptm

Full Usage: print_atom ptm

Returns: string
ptm : preterm
Returns: string

print_close_brkt ()

Full Usage: print_close_brkt ()

    () : unit

Returns: string
() : unit
Returns: string

print_close_brkt_if b

Full Usage: print_close_brkt_if b

    b : bool

Returns: string
b : bool
Returns: string

print_full_preterm ptm

Full Usage: print_full_preterm ptm

Returns: string
ptm : preterm
Returns: string

print_full_preterm0 (fl0, pr0) ptm

Full Usage: print_full_preterm0 (fl0, pr0) ptm

    fl0 : bool
    pr0 : int * int
    ptm : preterm

Returns: string
fl0 : bool
pr0 : int * int
ptm : preterm
Returns: string

print_open_brkt ()

Full Usage: print_open_brkt ()

    () : unit

Returns: string
() : unit
Returns: string

print_open_brkt_if b

Full Usage: print_open_brkt_if b

    b : bool

Returns: string
b : bool
Returns: string

print_preterm ptm

Full Usage: print_preterm ptm

Returns: string
ptm : preterm
Returns: string

print_pretype ty

Full Usage: print_pretype ty

Returns: string
ty : pretype
Returns: string

print_pretype0 (ss0, fl0, pr0) pty

Full Usage: print_pretype0 (ss0, fl0, pr0) pty

    ss0 : int list
    fl0 : bool
    pr0 : int * int
    pty : pretype

Returns: string
ss0 : int list
fl0 : bool
pr0 : int * int
pty : pretype
Returns: string

print_prim_preterm ptm

Full Usage: print_prim_preterm ptm

Returns: string
ptm : preterm
Returns: string

print_prim_preterm0 (fl0, pr0) ptm

Full Usage: print_prim_preterm0 (fl0, pr0) ptm

    fl0 : bool
    pr0 : int * int
    ptm : preterm

Returns: string
fl0 : bool
pr0 : int * int
ptm : preterm
Returns: string

print_qterm tm

Full Usage: print_qterm tm

Returns: string
tm : term
Returns: string

print_qtype ty

Full Usage: print_qtype ty

Returns: string
ty : hol_type
Returns: string

print_sep x ()

Full Usage: print_sep x ()

    x : 'a
    () : unit

Returns: 'a
x : 'a
() : unit
Returns: 'a

print_seplist print_fn print_sep_fn xs

Full Usage: print_seplist print_fn print_sep_fn xs

    print_fn : 'a -> string
    print_sep_fn : unit -> string
    xs : 'a list

Returns: string
print_fn : 'a -> string
print_sep_fn : unit -> string
xs : 'a list
Returns: string

print_sp_seplist sp print_fn print_sep_fn xs

Full Usage: print_sp_seplist sp print_fn print_sep_fn xs

    sp : bool
    print_fn : 'a -> string
    print_sep_fn : unit -> string
    xs : 'a list

Returns: string
sp : bool
print_fn : 'a -> string
print_sep_fn : unit -> string
xs : 'a list
Returns: string

print_space ()

Full Usage: print_space ()

    () : unit

Returns: string
() : unit
Returns: string

print_space_if b

Full Usage: print_space_if b

    b : bool

Returns: string
b : bool
Returns: string

print_splist print_fn xs

Full Usage: print_splist print_fn xs

    print_fn : 'a -> string
    xs : 'a list

Returns: string
print_fn : 'a -> string
xs : 'a list
Returns: string

print_term tm

Full Usage: print_term tm

Returns: string
tm : term
Returns: string

print_thm th

Full Usage: print_thm th

Returns: string
th : thm
Returns: string

print_type ty

Full Usage: print_type ty

Returns: string
ty : hol_type
Returns: string

printing_preterm fl tm

Full Usage: printing_preterm fl tm

    fl : bool
    tm : term

Returns: preterm
fl : bool
tm : term
Returns: preterm

term_name_form x

Full Usage: term_name_form x

    x : string

Returns: int
x : string
Returns: int

term_printable_name x

Full Usage: term_printable_name x

    x : string

Returns: string
x : string
Returns: string

thm_printing_preterms th

Full Usage: thm_printing_preterms th

Returns: preterm list * preterm
th : thm
Returns: preterm list * preterm

type_name_form x

Full Usage: type_name_form x

    x : string

Returns: int
x : string
Returns: int

type_printable_name x

Full Usage: type_printable_name x

    x : string

Returns: string
x : string
Returns: string

tyvar_printable_name x

Full Usage: tyvar_printable_name x

    x : string

Returns: string
x : string
Returns: string

var_printable_name x

Full Usage: var_printable_name x

    x : string

Returns: string
x : string
Returns: string