Pair Module

This module extends the HOL logic with the theory of ordered pairs. This involves giving theory object definitions for the product type operator, the pairing function and the constants "FST" and "SND", and proving a few basic properties. Syntax functions and equality congruence rules are also provided.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

dest_pair tm

Full Usage: dest_pair tm

Returns: term * term
tm : term
Returns: term * term

dest_prod_type ty

Full Usage: dest_prod_type ty

Returns: hol_type * hol_type
ty : hol_type
Returns: hol_type * hol_type

flatstrip_pair tm

Full Usage: flatstrip_pair tm

Returns: term list
tm : term
Returns: term list


Full Usage: fst_def

Returns: thm

Selects the first component of a pair |- FST = (\(p:'a#'b). @x. ?y. p = (x,y))

Returns: thm


Full Usage: fst_snd_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p. (FST p, SND p) = p

Returns: thm


Full Usage: fst_thm

Returns: thm

|- !x y. FST (x,y) = x

Returns: thm

is_pair tm

Full Usage: is_pair tm

Returns: bool
tm : term
Returns: bool


Full Usage: is_pair_rep_def

Returns: thm

"IsPairRep" is the characteristic function for the product type operator. It takes a boolean-valued binary function and returns whether there is a pair for which this is the concrete representation. |- IsPairRep = (\(r:'a->'b->bool). ?a b. r = MkPairRep a b)

Returns: thm

is_prod_type ty

Full Usage: is_prod_type ty

Returns: bool
ty : hol_type
Returns: bool

list_mk_pair tms

Full Usage: list_mk_pair tms

Returns: term
tms : term list
Returns: term

list_mk_prod_type tys

Full Usage: list_mk_prod_type tys

Returns: hol_type
tys : hol_type list
Returns: hol_type


Full Usage: load

Returns: (string * thm) list

Force module evaluation

Returns: (string * thm) list

mk_pair (tm1, tm2)

Full Usage: mk_pair (tm1, tm2)

Returns: term
tm1 : term
tm2 : term
Returns: term

mk_pair1_rule th1 tm

Full Usage: mk_pair1_rule th1 tm

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for pair LHS. It takes an equality theorem and a term, and pairs each side of the theorem with the term. A |- x1 = x2 `y` -------------------- A |- (x1,y) = (x2,y) See also: mk_pair2_rule, mk_pair_rule, mk_bin1_rule.

th1 : thm
tm : term
Returns: thm

mk_pair2_rule tm th2

Full Usage: mk_pair2_rule tm th2

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for pair RHS. It takes a term and an equality theorem, and pairs the term with each side of the theorem. `x` A |- y1 = y2 -------------------- A |- (x,y1) = (x,y2) See also: mk_pair1_rule, mk_pair_rule, mk_bin2_rule.

tm : term
th2 : thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: mk_pair_rep_def

Returns: thm

The "MkPairRep" function returns the concrete representation for a given pair's two components (i.e. the representation in terms of existing types, before the product type is defined). This representation is a function that takes two arguments and returns `true` for just one combination of its arguments - when each argument is equal to its respective pair component. This is used to define both "IsPairRep" and the pairing function. |- MkPairRep = (\(x:'a) (y:'b) a b. a = x /\ b = y)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: mk_pair_rep_lemma

Returns: thm
Returns: thm

mk_pair_rule th1 th2

Full Usage: mk_pair_rule th1 th2

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for pairing. It takes two equality theorems, and pairs corresponding sides of the first theorem with the second, unioning the assumptions. A1 |- x1 = x2 A2 |- y1 = y2 ------------------------------ A1 u A2 |- (x1,y1) = (x2,y2) See also: mk_pair1_rule, mk_pair2_rule, mk_bin_rule.

th1 : thm
th2 : thm
Returns: thm

mk_prod_type (ty1, ty2)

Full Usage: mk_prod_type (ty1, ty2)

Returns: hol_type
ty1 : hol_type
ty2 : hol_type
Returns: hol_type


Full Usage: pair_def

Returns: thm

The pairing function, called "PAIR", takes two arguments and returns the corresponding element in the product type. It is simply defined as the product type's abstraction of the "MkPairRep" function. It has special support in the parser/printer, so that the quotation `(t1,t2)` is parsed/ printed for the internal term `PAIR t1 t2`. |- PAIR = (\(x:'a) (y:'b). PairAbs (MkPairRep x y))

Returns: thm


Full Usage: pair_eq_thm

Returns: thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: pair_rep_exists_lemma

Returns: thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: pair_surjective_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p. ?x y. p = (x,y)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: prod_bij_def1

Returns: thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: prod_bij_def2

Returns: thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: prod_def

Returns: thm

|- ?(f:'a#'b->'a->'b->bool). TYPE_DEFINITION IsPairRep '#' is the product type operator: it denotes the cartesian product operation

Returns: thm


Full Usage: rep_abs_pair_lemma

Returns: thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: snd_def

Returns: thm

Selects the second component of a pair |- SND = (\(p:'a#'b). @y. ?x. p = (x,y))

Returns: thm


Full Usage: snd_thm

Returns: thm

|- !x y. SND (x,y) = y

Returns: thm

strip_pair tm

Full Usage: strip_pair tm

Returns: term list
tm : term
Returns: term list

strip_prod_type ty

Full Usage: strip_prod_type ty

Returns: hol_type list
ty : hol_type
Returns: hol_type list