Equal Module

This module adds more constants and inference rules for basic reasoning using equality.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

alpha_conv u tm

Full Usage: alpha_conv u tm

Returns: thm

This is the alpha renaming conversion. It replaces the binding variable and all occurrences of it in the supplied lambda abstraction term (the 2nd argument) with the supplied variable (the 1st argument). The supplied variable must have the same type as the original binding variable, and must not occur free in the original body. `y` `\x. t` ------------------------- |- (\x. t) = (\y. t[y/x])

u : term
tm : term
Returns: thm

alpha_link_conv tm' tm

Full Usage: alpha_link_conv tm' tm

Returns: thm

This is the alpha linking conversion. It takes two alpha-equivalent terms and returns a theorem stating that the second is equal to the first, under no assumptions. Fails if the supplied terms are not alpha-equivalent. `t'` `t` ---------- |- t = t'

tm' : term
tm : term
Returns: thm

app_beta_rhs_rule th0 z

Full Usage: app_beta_rhs_rule th0 z

Returns: thm

This rule is for expanding a function defined in terms of a lambda abstraction. It takes an equality theorem and a term argument, where the theorem RHS is a lambda abstraction with a binding variable of the same type as the term argument. It returns a theorem stating that the theorem argument's LHS applied to the term argument is equal to the beta reduction of the lambda abstraction applied to the term argument. A |- f = (\v. t) `s` ---------------------- A |- f s = t[s/v]

th0 : thm
z : term
Returns: thm

app_beta_rule th0 tm

Full Usage: app_beta_rule th0 tm

Returns: thm

app_beta_rule : thm -> term -> thm A |- (\v1. t1) = (\v2. t2) `s` -------------------------------- A |- t1[s/v1] = t2[s/v2]

th0 : thm
tm : term
Returns: thm

beta_thm_rule th0 th

Full Usage: beta_thm_rule th0 th

Returns: thm
th0 : thm
th : thm
Returns: thm

conv_rule conv th

Full Usage: conv_rule conv th

Returns: thm
conv : term -> thm
th : thm
Returns: thm

dest_let tm

Full Usage: dest_let tm

Returns: (term * term) list * term
tm : term
Returns: (term * term) list * term

is_let tm

Full Usage: is_let tm

Returns: bool
tm : term
Returns: bool


Full Usage: let_def

Returns: thm

The internal constant for let-expressions is called "LET". It has special support in the parser/printer, so that the quotation `let x1 = s1 and x2 = s2 in t` is parsed/printed for the internal term `LET (LET (\x1 x2. t) s1) s2`. |- LET = (\(f:'a->'b) x. f x)

Returns: thm

list_app_beta_rhs_rule th0 zs

Full Usage: list_app_beta_rhs_rule th0 zs

Returns: thm
th0 : thm
zs : term list
Returns: thm

list_app_beta_rule th0 tms

Full Usage: list_app_beta_rule th0 tms

Returns: thm
th0 : thm
tms : term list
Returns: thm

list_beta_thm_rule th0 ths

Full Usage: list_beta_thm_rule th0 ths

Returns: thm
th0 : thm
ths : thm list
Returns: thm

list_trans_rule ths

Full Usage: list_trans_rule ths

    ths : thm list

Returns: thm
ths : thm list
Returns: thm


Full Usage: load

Returns: (string * thm) list

Force module evaluation

Returns: (string * thm) list

mk_comb1_rule th tm

Full Usage: mk_comb1_rule th tm

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for function application functions. It takes an equality theorem over functions and a term, and supplies the term as the argument to each side of the theorem. The type of the supplied term must be the same as the domain type of the functions. A |- f1 = f2 `t` ------------------ A |- f1 t = f2 t See also: mk_comb2_rule, mk_comb_rule.

th : thm
tm : term
Returns: thm

mk_comb2_rule tm th

Full Usage: mk_comb2_rule tm th

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for function application arguments. It takes a function term and an equality theorem, and applies the function to each side of the theorem. The domain type of the supplied function must be the same as the type of the theorem LHS/RHS. `f` A |- t1 = t2 ------------------ A |- f t1 = f t2 See also: mk_comb1_rule, mk_comb_rule.

tm : term
th : thm
Returns: thm

mk_let (vtms, tm0)

Full Usage: mk_let (vtms, tm0)

Returns: term
vtms : (term * term) list
tm0 : term
Returns: term


Full Usage: onto_def

Returns: thm

ONTO |- ONTO = (\(f:'a->'b). !y. ?x. y = f x)

Returns: thm

subs_conv ths tm

Full Usage: subs_conv ths tm

Returns: thm

This is the basic substitution conversion. It takes a list of equality theorems and a term, and transforms the term by performing a single parallel substitution of its free subterms according to the equality theorems. All free occurrences of equality theorem LHSs in the term get replaced. The resulting theorem has the unioned assumptions of all the supplied theorems (regardless of whether they apply to the supplied theorem). Binding variables in the resulting theorem's RHS are renamed as necessary to avoid variable capture. Note that if one equality theorem's LHS occurs free in another's, then the theorem with the larger LHS gets used in preference, and if two equality theorems have alpha-equivalent LHSs, then the earlier theorem in the list gets used in preference. If no equality theorems apply, then the returned theorem's conclusion's RHS is the same as its LHS. A1 |- s1 = t1 A2 |- s2 = t2 .. `t` ---------------------------------------- A1 u A2 u .. |- t = t[t1/s1,t2/s2,..] See also: subs_rule, subst_conv, inst_rule.

ths : thm list
tm : term
Returns: thm

subs_rule ths th

Full Usage: subs_rule ths th

Returns: thm

This is the basic substitution rule. It takes a list of equality theorems and a theorem, and performs a single parallel substitution of free subterms in the theorem's conclusion according to the equality theorems. All free occurrences of equality theorem LHSs in the theorem get replaced. The resulting theorem has the unioned assumptions of all the supplied theorems (regardless of whether they apply to the supplied theorem). Binding variables in the resulting theorem are renamed as necessary to avoid variable capture. Note that if one equality theorem's LHS occurs free in another's, then the theorem with the larger LHS gets used in preference, and if two equality theorems have alpha-equivalent LHSs, then the earlier theorem in the list gets used in preference. If no equality theorems apply, then the returned theorem's conclusion is the same as the input's. A1 |- s1 = t1 A2 |- s2 = t2 .. A |- t -------------------------------------------- A1 u A2 u .. |- t[t1/s1,t2/s2,..] See also: subs_conv, subst_rule, inst_rule.

ths : thm list
th : thm
Returns: thm

subst_conv vths tmp tm

Full Usage: subst_conv vths tmp tm

Returns: thm

This is the template substitution conversion. It takes a substitution scheme (in the form of an association list and a template term) followed by a main term, and transforms the main term by performing a single parallel substitution of its free subterms, according to the substitution scheme. The template term determines which free occurrences of equality theorem LHSs in the main term get replaced, and reflects the syntactic structure of the term, except having template variable atoms in place of subterms due for replacement. The association list maps each template variable to an equality theorem, with equality theorem LHS for the main term's original subterm and RHS for the subterm that replaces it. The resulting theorem has the unioned assumptions of all the supplied theorems (regardless of whether they apply to the supplied template). Binding variables in the resulting theorem are renamed as necessary to avoid variable capture. Note that if two entries appear in the association list for the same template variable, then the earlier entry gets used, and that entries for variables that don't appear in the template are ignored. If no entries apply, then the returned theorem's conclusion's RHS is the same as its LHS. `v1` `v2` .. A1 |- s1 = t1 A2 |- s2 = t2 .. `t` `t[s1/v1,s2/v2,..]` -------------------------------------------------------------- A1 u A2 u .. |- t[s1/v1,s2/v2,..] = t[t1/v1,t2/v2,..] See also: subst_rule, subs_conv, inst_rule.

vths : (term * thm) list
tmp : term
tm : term
Returns: thm

subst_rule vths tmp th

Full Usage: subst_rule vths tmp th

Returns: thm

This is the template substitution rule. It takes a substitution scheme (in the form of an association list and a template term) followed by a theorem, and performs a single parallel substitution of free subterms in the theorem's conclusion, according to the substitution scheme. The template term determines which free occurrences of equality theorem LHSs in the supplied theorem get replaced, and reflects the syntactic structure of the theorem's conclusion, except having template variable atoms in place of subterms due for replacement. The association list maps each template variable to an equality theorem, with equality theorem LHS for the supplied theorem's original subterm and RHS for the subterm that replaces it. The resulting theorem has the unioned assumptions of all the supplied theorems (regardless of whether they apply to the supplied template). Abstraction variables in the resulting theorem are renamed as necessary to avoid variable capture. Note that if two entries appear in the association list for the same template variable, then the earlier entry gets used, and that entries for variables that don't appear in the template are ignored. If no entries apply, then the returned theorem's conclusion is the same as the input's. `v1` `v2` .. A1 |- s1 = t1 A2 |- s2 = t2 .. `t` A |- t[s1/v1,s2/v2,..] ----------------------------------------------------------------- A1 u A2 u .. |- t[t1/v1,t2/v2,..] See also: subst_conv, subs_rule, inst_rule.

vths : (term * thm) list
tmp : term
th : thm
Returns: thm

sym_rule th

Full Usage: sym_rule th

Returns: thm

This is the symmetry rule for equality. It swaps the LHS with the RHS in the supplied equality theorem. A |- t1 = t2 ------------ A |- t2 = t1 See also: sym_conv, refl_conv, trans_rule.

th : thm
Returns: thm

trans_rule tha thb

Full Usage: trans_rule tha thb

Returns: thm

This is the transitivity rule for equality. It takes two equality theorem arguments, where the first theorem's RHS is the same (modulo alpha- equivalence) as the second theorem's LHS. It returns a theorem stating that the first theorem's LHS equals the second theorem's RHS, under the unioned assumptions of the two theorems. A1 |- t1 = t2 A2 |- t2 = t3 ------------------------------ A1 u A2 |- t1 = t3 See also: list_trans_rule, refl_conv, sym_rule, imp_trans_rule.

tha : thm
thb : thm
Returns: thm