EqCong Module

This module implements equality congruence rules for equality, function application and predicate logic operators. These are all trivial derivations of the primitive congruence rules 'mk_comb_rule' and 'mk_abs_rule' (see 'Thm' module) and the derived congruence rules 'mk_comb1_rule' and 'mk_comb2_rule' (see 'Equal' module).

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: conj_fn

Returns: term
Returns: term


Full Usage: disj_fn

Returns: term

This is the equality congruence rule for disjunction. It takes two boolean equality theorems, and disjoins corresponding sides of the first theorem with the second, unioning the assumptions. A1 |- p1 <=> p2 A2 |- q1 <=> q2 ---------------------------------- A1 u A2 |- p1 \/ q1 <=> p2 \/ q2 See also: mk_disj1_rule, mk_disj2_rule, mk_bin_rule, disj1_rule, disj2_rule.

Returns: term


Full Usage: imp_fn

Returns: term
Returns: term

is_bool_eqthm th

Full Usage: is_bool_eqthm th

Returns: bool
th : thm
Returns: bool

mk_bin1_rule f th1 tm2

Full Usage: mk_bin1_rule f th1 tm2

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for binary function LHS application. It takes a binary function term, an equality theorem and a RHS argument term, and applies the function in curried form to corresponding sides of the theorem as its LHS argument and the supplied RHS argument. The type of the supplied function must be a binary curried function type, with first domain type equal to the type of each side of the theorem, and second domain type equal to the type of the RHS argument term. `f` |- s1 = s2 `t` ---------------------- |- f s1 t = f s2 t See also: mk_bin2_rule, mk_bin_rule, mk_comb_rule.

f : term
th1 : thm
tm2 : term
Returns: thm

mk_bin2_rule f tm1 th2

Full Usage: mk_bin2_rule f tm1 th2

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for binary function RHS application. It takes a binary function term, a LHS argument term and an equality theorem, and applies the function in curried form to the supplied LHS argument and corresponding sides of the theorem as its RHS argument. The type of the supplied function must be a binary curried function type, with first domain type equal to the type of the LHS argument term, and second domain type equal to the type of each side of the theorem. `f` `s` |- t1 = t2 ---------------------- |- f s t1 = f s t2 See also: mk_bin1_rule, mk_bin_rule, mk_comb_rule.

f : term
tm1 : term
th2 : thm
Returns: thm

mk_bin_rule f th1 th2

Full Usage: mk_bin_rule f th1 th2

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for binary function application. It takes a binary function term and two equality theorems, and applies the function in curried form to corresponding sides of each theorem, under their unioned assumptions. The type of the supplied function must be a binary curried function type, with first and second domain types equal to the type of each side of their corresponding theorems. `f` A1 |- s1 = s2 A2 |- t1 = t2 ------------------------------------ A1 u A2 |- f s1 t1 = f s2 t2 See also: mk_bin1_rule, mk_bin2_rule, mk_comb_rule, mk_conj_rule, mk_disj_rule, mk_imp_rule, mk_eq_rule, mk_pair_rule.

f : term
th1 : thm
th2 : thm
Returns: thm

mk_conj1_rule tha tm

Full Usage: mk_conj1_rule tha tm

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for conjunction LHS. It takes a boolean equality theorem and a boolean term, and conjoins each side of the theorem with the supplied term. A |- p1 <=> p2 `q` ------------------------ A |- p1 /\ q <=> p2 /\ q See also: mk_conj2_rule, mk_conj_rule, mk_bin1_rule, conj_rule.

tha : thm
tm : term
Returns: thm

mk_conj2_rule tm th

Full Usage: mk_conj2_rule tm th

Returns: thm

mk_conj2_rule : term -> thm -> thm This is the equality congruence rule for conjunction RHS. It takes a boolean term and a boolean equality theorem, and conjoins the supplied term with each side of the theorem. `p` A |- q1 <=> q2 ------------------------ A |- p /\ q1 <=> p /\ q2 See also: mk_conj1_rule, mk_conj_rule, mk_bin2_rule, conj_rule.

tm : term
th : thm
Returns: thm

mk_conj_rule tha thb

Full Usage: mk_conj_rule tha thb

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for conjunction. It takes two boolean equality theorems, and conjoins corresponding sides of the first theorem with the second, unioning the assumptions. A1 |- p1 <=> p2 A2 |- q1 <=> q2 ---------------------------------- A1 u A2 |- p1 /\ q1 <=> p2 /\ q2 See also: mk_conj1_rule, mk_conj2_rule, mk_bin_rule, conj_rule.

tha : thm
thb : thm
Returns: thm

mk_disj1_rule th tm

Full Usage: mk_disj1_rule th tm

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for disjunction LHS. It takes a boolean equality theorem and a boolean term, and disjoins each side of the theorem with the supplied term. A |- p1 <=> p2 `q` ------------------------ A |- p1 \/ q <=> p2 \/ q See also: mk_disj2_rule, mk_disj_rule, mk_bin1_rule, disj1_rule.

th : thm
tm : term
Returns: thm

mk_disj2_rule tm th

Full Usage: mk_disj2_rule tm th

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for disjunction RHS. It takes a boolean term and a boolean equality theorem, and disjoins the supplied term with each side of the theorem. `p` A |- q1 <=> q2 ------------------------ A |- p \/ q1 <=> p \/ q2 See also: mk_disj1_rule, mk_disj_rule, mk_bin2_rule, disj2_rule.

tm : term
th : thm
Returns: thm

mk_disj_rule tha thb

Full Usage: mk_disj_rule tha thb

Returns: thm
tha : thm
thb : thm
Returns: thm

mk_eq1_rule tha tm

Full Usage: mk_eq1_rule tha tm

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for equality LHS. It takes an equality theorem and a term, and equates each side of the theorem with the supplied term. The type of the supplied term must equal the types of each side of the supplied theorem. A |- s1 = s2 `t` ---------------------- A |- s1 = t <=> s2 = t See also: mk_eq2_rule, mk_eq_rule, mk_eq1_rule.

tha : thm
tm : term
Returns: thm

mk_eq2_rule tm thb

Full Usage: mk_eq2_rule tm thb

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for equality RHS. It takes a term and an equality theorem, and equates the term to each side of the theorem. The type of the supplied term must equal the types of each side of the supplied theorem. `s` A |- t1 = t2 ---------------------- A |- s = t1 <=> s = t2 See also: mk_eq1_rule, mk_eq_rule, mk_eq2_rule.

tm : term
thb : thm
Returns: thm

mk_eq_rule tha thb

Full Usage: mk_eq_rule tha thb

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for equality. It takes two equality theorems, and equates corresponding sides of the first theorem with the second, unioning the assumptions. The types of each side of each equation must all be equal. A1 |- s1 = s2 A2 |- t1 = t2 ------------------------------ A1 u A2 |- s1 = t1 <=> s2 = t2 See also: mk_eq1_rule, mk_eq2_rule, mk_eq_rule.

tha : thm
thb : thm
Returns: thm

mk_exists_rule v th

Full Usage: mk_exists_rule v th

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for existential quantification. It takes a variable and an equality theorem, and existentially quantifies the variable on both sides of the theorem. The variable must not occur free in the assumptions of the supplied theorem. `x` A |- p1 <=> p2 [ "x" not free in `A` ] -------------------------- A |- (?x. p1) <=> (?x. p2) See also: mk_uexists_rule, mk_abs_rule, mk_comb_rule, exists_rule.

v : term
th : thm
Returns: thm

mk_forall_rule v th

Full Usage: mk_forall_rule v th

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for universal quantification. It takes a variable and an equality theorem, and universally quantifies the variable on both sides of the theorem. The variable must not occur free in the assumptions of the supplied theorem. `x` A |- p1 <=> p2 [ "x" not free in `A` ] -------------------------- A |- (!x. p1) <=> (!x. p2) See also: mk_abs_rule, mk_comb_rule, gen_rule.

v : term
th : thm
Returns: thm

mk_imp1_rule th tm

Full Usage: mk_imp1_rule th tm

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for implication LHS. It takes a boolean equality theorem and a boolean term, and creates implications out of each side of the theorem, with the theorem side as the antecedent and the term as the consequent. A |- p1 <=> p2 `q` -------------------------- A |- p1 ==> q <=> p2 ==> q See also: mk_imp2_rule, mk_imp_rule, mk_bin1_rule.

th : thm
tm : term
Returns: thm

mk_imp2_rule tm th

Full Usage: mk_imp2_rule tm th

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for implication RHS. It takes a boolean term and a boolean equality theorem, and makes the term an antecedent of each side of the theorem. `p` A |- q1 <=> q2 -------------------------- A |- p ==> q1 <=> p ==> q2 See also: mk_imp1_rule, mk_imp_rule, mk_bin2_rule.

tm : term
th : thm
Returns: thm

mk_imp_rule tha thb

Full Usage: mk_imp_rule tha thb

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for implication. It takes two boolean equality theorems, and creates implications out of corresponding sides of the first theorem and the second, unioning the assumptions. A1 |- p1 <=> p2 A2 |- q1 <=> q2 ---------------------------------- A1 u A2 |- p1 ==> q1 <=> p2 ==> q2 See also: mk_imp1_rule, mk_imp2_rule, mk_bin_rule.

tha : thm
thb : thm
Returns: thm

mk_not_rule th

Full Usage: mk_not_rule th

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for logical negation. Its takes a boolean equality theorem, and logically negates each side of the theorem. A |- p1 <=> p2 ------------------ A |- ~ p1 <=> ~ p2 See also: mk_comb_rule, eqf_intro_rule, eqf_elim_rule.

th : thm
Returns: thm

mk_select_rule v th

Full Usage: mk_select_rule v th

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for selection. It takes a variable and an equality theorem, and selects the variable from both sides of the theorem. The variable must not occur free in the assumptions of the supplied theorem. `x` A |- p1 <=> p2 [ "x" not free in `A` ] ------------------------ A |- (@x. p1) = (@x. p2) See also: mk_abs_rule, mk_comb_rule.

v : term
th : thm
Returns: thm

mk_uexists_rule v th

Full Usage: mk_uexists_rule v th

Returns: thm

This is the equality congruence rule for unique existential quantification. It takes a variable and an equality theorem, and unique- existentially quantifies the variable on both sides of the theorem. The variable must not occur free in the assumptions of the supplied theorem. `x` A |- p1 <=> p2 [ "x" not free in `A` ] ---------------------------- A |- (?!x. p1) <=> (?!x. p2) See also: mk_exists_rule, mk_abs_rule, mk_comb_rule

v : term
th : thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: not_fn

Returns: term
Returns: term