CoreThry Module

This module completes the logical core for HOL by defining the core theory. This involves giving declarations, definitions and axioms for all the HOL theory objects anticipated by the language and inference kernels.

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: bool_ty

Returns: hol_type

The boolean base type, for representing the classic boolean values "true" and "false"

Returns: hol_type


Full Usage: conj_def

Returns: thm

Conjunction is defined here using implication and the universal quantifier, as the binary function that returns whether, for any boolean value, the arguments together implying the value necessarily implies the value. |- $/\ = (\p1 p2. !p. (p1 ==> (p2 ==> p)) ==> p)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: eta_ax

Returns: thm

This axiom states that, for any given function, the lambda abstraction formed by applying the function to the binding variable is equal to the function. |- !(f:'a->'b). (\x. f x) = f

Returns: thm


Full Usage: exists_def

Returns: thm

The existential quantifier is defined using just selection, as the function that returns whether any element selected as satisfying the function's predicate argument necessarily satisfies the predicate. Note that if there is no element satisfying the predicate, then not even the result of the selection operation can satisfy the predicate. |- $? = (\(P:'a->bool). P ($@ P))

Returns: thm


Full Usage: forall_def

Returns: thm

The universal quantifier is defined using equality and truth, simply as the function that returns whether its predicate argument returns true for every input. |- $! = (\(P:'a->bool). P = (\x. true))

Returns: thm


Full Usage: imp_antisym_ax

Returns: thm

This axiom states the antisymmetry property for implication. |- !p1 p2. (p1 ==> p2) ==> ((p2 ==> p1) ==> (p1 <=> p2))

Returns: thm


Full Usage: load

Returns: (string * thm) list
Returns: (string * thm) list


Full Usage: one_one_def

Returns: thm

The one-to-one predicate is defined as the function that returns whether its function argument having the same result when applied to two elements necessarily implies that the two elements are equal. |- ONE_ONE = (\(f:'a->'b). !x1 x2. f x1 = f x2 ==> x1 = x2)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: select_ax

Returns: thm

This axiom states a crucial property about the selection operator, namely that any element satisfying a given predicate implies that the selected element for the predicate satisfies the predicate. Note that it says nothing about when there is no element that can satisfy the predicate. |- !(P:'a->bool) x. P x ==> P ($@ P)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: true_def

Returns: thm

It is the instance of the equality reflexive property for the boolean identity function. |- true <=> (\(p:bool). p) = (\p. p)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: true_tm

Returns: term
Returns: term


Full Usage: type_definition_def

Returns: thm

This predicate is used in the theorem created by the primitive type constant definition command to assert that there is a bijection from the new type to its representation type. It is defined as the function that takes a characteristic function (a predicate for elements of the representation type) and a representation function (mapping elements of the new type to the representation type), and returns whether the representation function is one-to-one and maps onto precisely those elements in the representation type that satisfy the characteristic function. |- TYPE_DEFINITION = (\P (rep:'b->'a). ONE_ONE rep /\ (!x. P x <=> (?y. x = rep y)))

Returns: thm