BoolClass Module

This module derives further predicate logic theorems and inference rules. Unlike all preceding derivations, these all use the Axiom of Choice (i.e. 'select_ax'), and thus could be considered as classical logic. However, note that some of these (such as 'exists_rule') are actually derivable in intuitionistic logic if an alternative definition of existential quantification is used (as in HOL Light).

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: bool_cases_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p. (p <=> true) \/ (p <=> false)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: ccontr_lemma

Returns: thm
Returns: thm

ccontr_rule tm th

Full Usage: ccontr_rule tm th

Returns: thm

This is the classical contradiction rule. It takes a boolean term and a theorem with falsity as its conclusion. It returns a theorem with the supplied term as its conclusion, and with the same assumptions as the supplied theorem but with the logical negation of the supplied term removed. Note that the logical negation of the supplied term does not have to be in the supplied theorem's assumptions for the rule to succeed. `p` A |- false ---------------- A\{~p} |- p See also: contr_rule, deduct_contrapos_rule.

tm : term
th : thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: cond_false_thm

Returns: thm

|- !t1 t2. (if false then t1 else t2) = t2

Returns: thm


Full Usage: cond_idem_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p t. (if p then t else t) = t

Returns: thm


Full Usage: cond_not_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p t1 t2. (if ~ p then t1 else t2) = (if p then t2 else t1)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: cond_true_thm

Returns: thm

|- !t1 t2. (if true then t1 else t2) = t1

Returns: thm


Full Usage: excluded_middle_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p. p \/ ~p

Returns: thm


Full Usage: exists_dist_disj_thm

Returns: thm

|- !P Q. (?x. P x \/ Q x) <=> (?x. P x) \/ (?x. Q x)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: exists_null_thm

Returns: thm

|- !t. (?x. t) <=> t

Returns: thm


Full Usage: exists_one_point_thm

Returns: thm

|- !P a. (?x. x = a /\ P x) <=> P a

Returns: thm

exists_rule (tm1, tm2) th

Full Usage: exists_rule (tm1, tm2) th

Returns: thm

This is the existential introduction rule. It takes an existential term, a witness term and a theorem, where the theorem's conclusion is the body of the existential term but with the witness term replacing occurrences of its binding variable. It returns a theorem stating that the supplied existential term holds, under the same assumptions as the supplied theorem. `?x. p` `t` A |- p[t/x] --------------------------- A |- ?x. p See also: choose_rule, select_rule, mk_exists_rule.

tm1 : term
tm2 : term
th : thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: imp_disj_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p q. (p ==> q) <=> (~ p \/ q)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: load

Returns: (string * thm) list

Force module evaluation

Returns: (string * thm) list


Full Usage: not_dist_conj_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p q. ~ (p /\ q) <=> ~ p \/ ~ q

Returns: thm


Full Usage: not_dist_exists_thm

Returns: thm

|- !P. ~ (?x. P x) <=> (!x. ~ P x)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: not_dist_forall_thm

Returns: thm

|- !P. ~ (!x. P x) <=> (?x. ~ P x)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: not_dneg_thm

Returns: thm

|- !p. ~ ~ p <=> p

Returns: thm


Full Usage: select_eq_thm

Returns: thm

|- !(a:'a). (@x. x = a) = a

Returns: thm

select_rule th

Full Usage: select_rule th

Returns: thm

This is the existential selection rule. It strips off the existential quantifier from the supplied theorem, and replaces each occurrence of the binding variable in the body with the selection operator applied to the original body (with the same binding variable). A |- ?x. p ---------------- A |- p[(@x.p)/x] See also: exists_rule.

th : thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: skolem_thm

Returns: thm

|- !P. (!x. ?y. P x y) <=> (?f. !x. P x (f x))

Returns: thm


Full Usage: uexists_one_point_thm

Returns: thm

|- !P a. (?!x. x = a /\ P x) <=> P a

Returns: thm


Full Usage: uexists_thm1

Returns: thm

|- !P. (?!x. P x) <=> (?x. P x /\ (!y. P y ==> y = x))

Returns: thm


Full Usage: uexists_thm2

Returns: thm

|- !P. (?!x. P x) <=> (?x. !y. P y <=> x = y)

Returns: thm


Full Usage: uexists_thm3

Returns: thm

|- !P. (?!x. P x) <=> (?x. P x) /\ (!x x'. P x /\ P x' ==> x = x')

Returns: thm


Full Usage: unique_skolem_thm

Returns: thm

|- !P. (!x. ?!y. P x y) <=> (?f. !x y. P x y <=> f x = y)

Returns: thm