Type Module

This module defines the internal representation of HOL types. This is done by defining an abstract datatype for types, and then primitive syntax functions for constructing and destructing types, and support for type constant declaration. The primitive syntax constructors ensure that only well-formed types can be constructed. This module is a trusted component


Type Description


This is the datatype for internal HOL types. It has 2 classes, corresponding to the 2 primitive syntactic categories of types:


Type Variable denotes an occurrence of a type variable. It has just a name attribute. Any two occurrences of type variables within a given object represent the same entity iff they have the same name.


Compound Type denotes an instance of a type constant. It has name and type parameter list attributes, where the name must be the name of a declared type constant, and the parameter list length must equal the declared type constant's arity.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

dest_comp_type ty

Full Usage: dest_comp_type ty

Returns: string * hol_type list
ty : hol_type
Returns: string * hol_type list

dest_fun_type ty

Full Usage: dest_fun_type ty

Returns: hol_type * hol_type

Returns domain and range of a given function type

ty : hol_type
Returns: hol_type * hol_type

dest_var_type ty

Full Usage: dest_var_type ty

Returns: string
ty : hol_type
Returns: string

is_comp_type ty

Full Usage: is_comp_type ty

Returns: bool
ty : hol_type
Returns: bool

is_fun_type ty

Full Usage: is_fun_type ty

Returns: bool

Checks if a given type is a function type

ty : hol_type
Returns: bool

is_tyconst_name x

Full Usage: is_tyconst_name x

    x : string

Returns: bool

The test for whether a given name is the name of a declared type constant.

x : string
Returns: bool

is_var_type ty

Full Usage: is_var_type ty

Returns: bool
ty : hol_type
Returns: bool

mk_comp_type (x, tys)

Full Usage: mk_comp_type (x, tys)

Returns: hol_type
x : string
tys : hol_type list
Returns: hol_type

mk_fun_type (ty1, ty2)

Full Usage: mk_fun_type (ty1, ty2)

Returns: hol_type

Creates a function type given a domain and range

ty1 : hol_type
ty2 : hol_type
Returns: hol_type

mk_var_type x

Full Usage: mk_var_type x

    x : string

Returns: hol_type
x : string
Returns: hol_type

prim_get_all_tyconsts ()

Full Usage: prim_get_all_tyconsts ()

    () : unit

Returns: (string * BigInteger) list

Returns the name and arity of each declared type constant. Arities are given as arbitrary precision integers.

() : unit
Returns: (string * BigInteger) list

prim_get_tyconst_arity x

Full Usage: prim_get_tyconst_arity x

    x : string

Returns: BigInteger

Returns the arity of the type constant with the supplied name as an arbitrary precision integer.

x : string
Returns: BigInteger

prim_new_tyconst (x, n)

Full Usage: prim_new_tyconst (x, n)


This is the primitive declaration command for type constants. It takes a string and an arbitrary precision integer. The string becomes the name of a new type constant in the theory, and the integer becomes its arity. Any name can be used for a type constant, but supplying an existing type constant's name will cause failure. A note of the declaration is reported, and unit is returned.

x : string
n : BigInteger


Full Usage: the_tyconsts

Returns: dltree<string, BigInteger> ref
Returns: dltree<string, BigInteger> ref

type_eq x y

Full Usage: type_eq x y

Returns: bool

Checks that the two terms are of the same type

x : hol_type
y : hol_type
Returns: bool

type_inst tytheta ty

Full Usage: type_inst tytheta ty

Returns: hol_type
tytheta : (hol_type * hol_type) list
ty : hol_type
Returns: hol_type

type_inst0 tytheta ty

Full Usage: type_inst0 tytheta ty

Returns: hol_type
tytheta : (hol_type * hol_type) list
ty : hol_type
Returns: hol_type

type_lt x y

Full Usage: type_lt x y

Returns: bool
x : hol_type
y : hol_type
Returns: bool