Store Module

This module implements databases for storing theorems and lemmas under a name index. Like axioms, stored theorems are restricted to having no free variables or assumptions, whereas stored lemmas are theorems that have no such restrictions.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

get_all_lemmas ()

Full Usage: get_all_lemmas ()

    () : unit

Returns: (string * thm) list
() : unit
Returns: (string * thm) list

get_all_thms ()

Full Usage: get_all_thms ()

    () : unit

Returns: (string * thm) list
() : unit
Returns: (string * thm) list

get_lemma x

Full Usage: get_lemma x

    x : string

Returns: thm
x : string
Returns: thm

get_thm x

Full Usage: get_thm x

    x : string

Returns: thm
x : string
Returns: thm

save_lemma (x, th)

Full Usage: save_lemma (x, th)

    x : string
    th : thm

Returns: thm
x : string
th : thm
Returns: thm

save_thm (x, th)

Full Usage: save_thm (x, th)

    x : string
    th : thm

Returns: thm

This is the theorem storage command. It takes a string and a theorem argument. The theorem gets stored in the database under the string index. The string must not be used for the name of an existing theorem (unless in benign redefinition), and the theorem must not contain free variables or or assumptions.

x : string
th : thm
Returns: thm


Full Usage: the_lemmas

Returns: dltree<string, thm> ref
Returns: dltree<string, thm> ref


Full Usage: the_theorems

Returns: dltree<string, thm> ref
Returns: dltree<string, thm> ref