Plot Geometries
This section defines a rudimentary plot
function to give at least
some sort of graphical visualization of geometries.
To do this it makes use of FSharp.Charting
's charts to plot the
coordinates of geometries in a cartesian plan. The main limit of the
function is that polygons are rendered as lines instead of full shapes.
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The coordinates
function just extracts a list of tuples
made of the longitude and latitude of the corrdinates that consistute
the geometry.
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We need to set the space of the chart at a size that makes the shape visibile enough.
First with env
we extract the bounding box of the geometry as an
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... then we resize
it based on a choosen zoom
as a percentage of the
shape size. If the geometry is made of just a point it has not a real size
so in this case we just calculate a margin based on the coordinate's magnitude.
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To properly draw the shapes in the cartesian space we need to choose a chart type that most fits with the geometry type to plot.
creates a Chart.Point
for points geometries while
is choosen for every other geometry types: as marked above
the main limit of this approach is that ploygons are still rendered as
lines but this at least gives an immage of the geometry.
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Now we can define a plotAt
function that plots the geometry at a specified
Geomteries can be simple or compund. If geom
is compound we need to recursively
traverse its structure till its simple components and populate a charts
list for each using the createChart
function defined above.
The recursive part is made by the createCharts
function taking advantage
of the functional nature of F#.
At the end we can Chart.Combine
all the elements of the chart list setting the
cartesian plan's space at the proper size.
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Since normally a zoom
at 80% of the shape size is enough to visualize the geometry
we define the final plot
function to default at a 80% zoom
not to have to specify
it each time:
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Finally a function to bypass the lack of a shape chart and fill
polygons' areas with lines
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namespace FSharp
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Full name: Plot-geometries.coordinates
Extracts the geometry's coordinates as a list of tuples made of
longitude and latitude.
type Geometry =
new : type:wkbGeometryType -> Geometry + 2 overloads
member AddGeometry : other:Geometry -> int
member AddGeometryDirectly : other_disown:Geometry -> int
member AddPoint : x:float * y:float * z:float -> unit
member AddPoint_2D : x:float * y:float -> unit
member Area : unit -> float
member AssignSpatialReference : reference:SpatialReference -> unit
member Boundary : unit -> Geometry
member Buffer : distance:float * quadsecs:int -> Geometry
member Centroid : unit -> Geometry
Full name: OSGeo.OGR.Geometry
OGR.Geometry(type: OGR.wkbGeometryType) : unit
OGR.Geometry(cPtr: nativeint, cMemoryOwn: bool, parent: obj) : unit
OGR.Geometry(type: OGR.wkbGeometryType, wkt: string, wkb: int, wkb_buf: nativeint, gml: string) : unit
Full name: Plot-geometries.env
Extracs the bounding box of the geometry
type Envelope =
new : unit -> Envelope + 1 overload
member Dispose : unit -> unit
member MaxX : float with get, set
member MaxY : float with get, set
member MinX : float with get, set
member MinY : float with get, set
static member getCPtr : obj:Envelope -> HandleRef
static member getCPtrAndDisown : obj:Envelope * parent:obj -> HandleRef
static member getCPtrAndSetReference : obj:Envelope * parent:obj -> HandleRef
Full name: OSGeo.OGR.Envelope
OGR.Envelope() : unit
OGR.Envelope(cPtr: nativeint, cMemoryOwn: bool, parent: obj) : unit
Full name: Plot-geometries.resize
Resizes the envelope based on a choosen zoom
Full name: Plot-geometries.createChart
Creates a chart for the geometry
| wkbUnknown = 0
| wkbPoint = 1
| wkbLineString = 2
| wkbPolygon = 3
| wkbMultiPoint = 4
| wkbMultiLineString = 5
| wkbMultiPolygon = 6
| wkbGeometryCollection = 7
| wkbNone = 100
| wkbLinearRing = 101
Full name: OSGeo.OGR.wkbGeometryType
static member Area : data:seq<#value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string -> GenericChart
static member Area : data:seq<#key * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string -> GenericChart
static member Bar : data:seq<#value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string -> GenericChart
static member Bar : data:seq<#key * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string -> GenericChart
static member BoxPlotFromData : data:seq<#key * #seq<'a2>> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string * ?Percentile:int * ?ShowAverage:bool * ?ShowMedian:bool * ?ShowUnusualValues:bool * ?WhiskerPercentile:int -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> value)
static member BoxPlotFromStatistics : data:seq<#key * #value * #value * #value * #value * #value * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string * ?Percentile:int * ?ShowAverage:bool * ?ShowMedian:bool * ?ShowUnusualValues:bool * ?WhiskerPercentile:int -> GenericChart
static member Bubble : data:seq<#value * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string * ?BubbleMaxSize:int * ?BubbleMinSize:int * ?BubbleScaleMax:float * ?BubbleScaleMin:float * ?UseSizeForLabel:bool -> GenericChart
static member Bubble : data:seq<#key * #value * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string * ?BubbleMaxSize:int * ?BubbleMinSize:int * ?BubbleScaleMax:float * ?BubbleScaleMin:float * ?UseSizeForLabel:bool -> GenericChart
static member Candlestick : data:seq<#value * #value * #value * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string -> CandlestickChart
static member Candlestick : data:seq<#key * #value * #value * #value * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string -> CandlestickChart
Full name: FSharp.Charting.Chart
static member Chart.Point : data:seq<#key * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:System.Drawing.Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string * ?MarkerColor:System.Drawing.Color * ?MarkerSize:int -> ChartTypes.GenericChart
static member Chart.Line : data:seq<#value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:System.Drawing.Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string -> ChartTypes.GenericChart
static member Chart.Line : data:seq<#key * #value> * ?Name:string * ?Title:string * ?Labels:#seq<string> * ?Color:System.Drawing.Color * ?XTitle:string * ?YTitle:string -> ChartTypes.GenericChart
Full name: Plot-geometries.createCharts
module List
from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
type List<'T> =
| ( [] )
| ( :: ) of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list
interface IEnumerable
interface IEnumerable<'T>
member GetSlice : startIndex:int option * endIndex:int option -> 'T list
member Head : 'T
member IsEmpty : bool
member Item : index:int -> 'T with get
member Length : int
member Tail : 'T list
static member Cons : head:'T * tail:'T list -> 'T list
static member Empty : 'T list
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List<_>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.concat
Full name: Plot-geometries.plotAt
Plots a geometry at a specified zoom
Full name: Plot-geometries.plot
Plots a geometry at a zoom of 80%
Full name: Plot-geometries.fill
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.ignore